Monday, December 21, 2009

Final Week Before the Big Break!

Yeah, it's almost here, and there is snow to boot!

This week we are going to continue working on persuasive essays. Many of the first drafts showed good effort. I am looking forward to reading the final copies.

On Tuesday, you will be able to select the question that you would like to address. Follow the same basic format. Create a T-chart to organize your thoughts and to decide which point of view you will support. Then write an introduction that states the controversy and your point of view, follow it with several body paragraphs that provide specific examples that support your point of view and refer back to the thesis statement, and end with a conclusion.

Writing under pressure like this will assist you later in life. It will not be too long before you need to ask a boss for a raise or you will negotiate the price of a new house. In these instances you will need to create sound arguments to sway someone over to your point of view. Practice now to make your life easier in the future.