Monday, April 20, 2009

Our Research Project Begins!

English 10B Research Skills
Finding Opposing Viewpoints

Part I: Parent signature (5 points) – Due this Wednesday

Part II: Gathering information (15 points – 5 points per article)

This part of the project is due by this Thursday.
Step 1: Go to the high school’s website and find the library/media center’s webpage.
Step 2: Scroll down the page until your find Sirs. Click on Sirs. (If you work on this from anywhere outside of the building, you will need to use the passwords that are found in your planner.)
Step 3: Click on SIRS Knowledge Search.
Step 4: Look in the right side of the page for Pro vs. Con. Click on more issues.
Step 5: Select an issue, and hit the Pro/Con button near the top of the list.
Step 6: Open and read two articles under the Pro side. If those articles contain useful information, then print those articles. You will need to hit clean copy printing first and then hit print after the clean copy appears.
Step 7: Repeat Step 6, but read two articles under the Con side.

Do not try to tell me that you cannot find anything of interest to read. I will simply reply that you need expand your horizons and your interests.

If you did not find your articles before the Spring break, you may use a computer in the classroom or ask for a pass to go to the library during lunch. The school library is also open until 5PM. You are responsible for finding your articles in a timely manner.

Part III: Taking notes (30 points – 10 points per set of notes)
Step 1: Select three of articles that you printed.
Step 2: Complete a worksheet for each one of your articles. Do not just scribble down information for the sake of completing the worksheet. You will be graded on the quality of your work.
Step 3: Staple your notes to the front of each article, and place this information in your folder.

You will have time to write your notes this Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. What you do not finish during class is homework. On Thursday and Friday I will meet with each one of you to make sure that you have narrowed down your topic and to make sure that you are taking the appropriate notes that you will need to write this paper.

All notes are due by Monday, April 27.

English 10B Research Skills
Finding Opposing Viewpoints

Notes (10 points each page)

Your name __________________________

Title of the article ________________________________________________________

Author of the article ______________________________________________________

Date that the article was published _____________________________

Date that you accessed the article from the Internet _________________________

Source of information _____________________________________________________

Database used to find the information ________________________________________

Provider of the database: High Point Regional High School, Sussex, NJ

Three interesting facts found in the article




Two quotes from the article

